Meeting Matthew Sanford – All Humanities Yoga Class, Part 1

Laura with Matthew Sanford

“Hey,” said Matthew, wheeling past me as I arrived at Triyoga.  I felt star struck.  I’d been re-reading his book, ‘Waking’, the night before; an intimate glimpse into a life I found so inspiring.  Now I was sitting chatting with Matthew, about to participate in his all humanities yoga class.

The description had made me tingle; ‘this class explores universal themes within asanas for all levels of ability and disability – from someone paralysed and confined to a wheelchair to the most advanced asana practitioner.  Asanas will be taught in a manner that reaches everyone simultaneously.  Participants will perform their own poses, help each other, and learn from each other.  When ability and disability authentically show up and share universal vulnerability, the releasing humanity is transformative and life changing.’ I had eagerly booked my place for Matthew’s class in London. Read More

Thaxted Yoga

Thaxted Yoga

I couldn’t believe my luck when I drove past and saw the fresh green and blue sign, the windows draped in soft white voile with tiny mirrors catching the sunlight.  It was early 2015 and whilst I was preparing to move into my new home nearby, Thaxted Yoga opened.  It didn’t take long for me to join a class.  Each time I stepped into the little studio, I felt enveloped in a calm, gentle energy, topped up with the warmth of a big Casey hug.  I discovered a different part of myself in each class I took, the ‘Be Mindful’ artwork on the mantelpiece reminding me of my intention.  It quickly became my happy place. Read More

The Wheel of Well-being


If you follow my blog regularly, you may have noticed I didn’t share a post last week.  It was one of those weeks when unexpected stressors were being thrown at me quicker than I felt I could deal with them.  We all have them.  It can be any number of things; an illness, a difficult communication, something going wrong, an extra task coming your way when your diary’s already full.  When the stressors start hurtling towards you, it can quickly become overwhelming.  It can feel difficult to pick yourself up if the next knock blows before you’re fully upright.  You feel thrown about by stress with a disconcerting lack of control.Read More

The Lake Meditation


Sunlight shimmering on the surface.
Trees reflected,
water like a mirror.

Ducks swimming, calm above, furiously paddling beneath
a fan of ripples.

Murky green water,

Mysterious koi carp lurking beneath
the surface.

A gentle breeze gathering ripples.
Water undulating,

A vessel.
The lake.Read More